Jangan Merokok di dekat anak kecil
Kamis, 05 Juli 2007


Aboriginal - smoking close to children

smoke; smoking; breathing; SIDS; Aboriginal;

Children breathe in smoke from the adults around them.

smoking around children diagram

  • If adults smoke, the children in their family can suffer more sickness.

smoking around children

Help your children be healthy

  • Smoke outside, not in the car or house. (Merokoklah di luar ruangan , jangan di dalam mobil ataupun dalam rumah)
  • Don't smoke next to babies or children. (Jangan merokok di dekat bayi atau anak anak)
  • Don't smoke when you are pregnant or breastfeeding. (Jangan merokok ketika anda hamil atau menyusui )

Smoking while pregnant

  • Your baby can be born small. (berat bayi anda akan rendah)
  • Your baby can be born sick. (berat bayi anda akan tidak sehat)

Smoking is bad for your children and bad for your health (Merokok, buruk untuk Anak anda dan buruk untuk kesehatan anda)

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